Our goal is to keep the contents of our products updated, we are continually updating them. These updates may include content additions, new features, or adjustments due to changes made to the current exam.
We notify these through the Notifications icon. To see these, on your learning locker click on the Bell icon.
Note. If this icon has a red dot with a number, you has unread messages.
How to apply updates to a download Practice test
In order to apply updates to a download test, you will need to download it again by following these steps:
- Delete the product from your computer.
Note. It is located in the folder you selected when you installed it on your hard drive.
- Access www.measureup.com.
- Hover the mouse over Sign in, and click on SIGN IN.
- Type your username and password, and click on Sign in.
- On the top menu, hover the mouse over Account, and click on My Learning Locker.
- On the right above of the bottom toolbar, click on Clear Cache.
- Click on the product icon, and click on the Download button.
- Choose where you want to save the file and click on Save.
- Click on the Launcher.bat file to open the Practice Test.
Note. On the first launch of your test you will need to enter the same username and password that you use to login into your Learning Locker.
Once you have completed the steps above, when you launch the test again, the new updates are applied (review the article: How to launch a download Practice Test for more information).
What would you like to do next?
- Do you want to purchase a product? Click here for more info.
- Do you want to register a key? Click here for more info.
- Do you want to launch an online Practice Test? Click here for more info.
- Do you want to use an online Practice Test? Click here for more info.
- Do you want to know the differences between the online & download versions? Click here for more info.