How to set iTalentUp

The first time you access iTalentUp, you should configure the application to get the most out of it. To do […]

How to create a recruitment process?

iTalentUp allows you to easily create an IT test to use in a recruitment process. Step 1. Access, Create and […]

How to use a recruitment process

Once you’ve created a test, it’s ready for you to use in your recruitment process. To do this, perform the […]

How to review the results of a recruitment process

To review the results of a candidate you have two options. From the recruitment process. Access to with your credentials. […]

How to use Tests Library

The tests library is made up of two sections: My Recruitment process. Reuse a recruitment process that has already been […]

How to update or review your account

iTalentUp allows you to easily update your profile and your Company information. Your company logo will be shown on the […]

How to use iTalentUp: steps

Have you validated your user? This is the first step to start to use iTalentUp. Once the user has been validated, […]

iTalentUp Battle

If you attend the SHRM conference, enter our contest by testing out our platform and win a special prize! You […]